Monday, December 2, 2013

Last Day of Show

Last day of Spiral of Life Show

The last day of my show was actually Friday November 29, the day after Thanksgiving. On Saturday we collected all the sculptures and some of the paintings. The Spiral was left for Monday. Sunny, my daughter-in-law didn't get the chance to see the spiral, because she had been in North Carolina for the past 3 months. So we headed over to the gallery right after lunch so she could see it. We took a few more pictures and then we dug in putting things away. Aaron and Sunny helped for awhile then they had to get going. So it was up to me and my husband Doug to finish putting things away. We were able to get everything in three boxes and finished in about 2 hours. 

This is my other installation in the show.

  I tried to take picture from every angle before we tore down the show.

A couple of  last pictures of the show!
 A good picture of the spiral!
 The Tree of Life painting

 Aaron and Sunny and me with the spiral.
 Doug and I with the spiral.
 One last picture!
 The clean up begins!

 Someone had found a home in the middle of the spiral. Can you see the spider?
 Doug was so helpful and was really getting into it at the end!
 Down to where I began about 1 month earlier!
 One last picture...good bye Concourse was a great show!